Man Does Not Cause Climate Change.
This article will show how some highly emotive issues have been wrongly linked to atmospheric CO2 concentrations. It will address the media claims that the “science is settled” and show that most climate scientists actually believe man’s emissions of gases are not responsible for global warming.
It will show that high CO2 levels are not harmful to humans but are instead beneficial to life on Earth enabling plants to grow bigger, stronger and healthier. It will show that the ability of plants to fix vast amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere during photosynthesis is completely overlooked in all climate models.
It will address the global warming / polar ice cap melt claim and show that the ice melts because it is subjected to underground heat. It will also show that glaciation can only be measured properly over time periods of around 10,000 years and that Polar Bears are in fact thriving.
It will show how corrupted “cherry-picked” data was used, and that this data was further corrected by scientists using climate models, rendering doubt on its usefulness and reliability. It will also show that no real global warming has occurred in the last 150 years and how historical data has been corrupted and is therefore misleading.
It will show that mistakes were made in the design of the climate models that were used by the IPCC to identify CO2 as the driver for global warming and that these faulty climate models were then used to make erroneous predictions of global temperature change for the future.
It will show that although atmospheric CO2 responds to global temperature changes it lags global temperature and therefore can never be the driver for any temperature change.
It will outline some of the political reasons behind the CO2 scare that is propagated by the IPCC and show that many respected climate scientists disagree with the IPCC prognosis.
It will then show that the global variation in temperature is cyclic. It will show that the ice ages are driven by the long-term changes in Earth's orbital distance from the Sun and the modern day temperature changes are also products of natural short-term Earth and Sun cycles.
First, we must make sure we understand what we are talking about. There are many bad things happening in the modern World we live in, but we can be sure none of those things have any connection to the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.
CO2 never polluted the ocean with plastic and it was never responsible for government and corporation agendas for deforestation.
It was not responsible for the Fukushima accident, it never poisoned the ground through fracking, it isn't responsible for the microparticles of plastic in our water bottles, and it didn't poison the groundwater in Flint.
It is not responsible for any of the wars in the world.
It didn’t cause mass die-offs of fish and birds, it hasn’t killed the pollinating insects, CO2 didn’t pollute living things with aluminium and it didn’t cause pollution through oil spills.
It is also not responsible for the increase in autism and it didn't bring down 3 towers on 911.
9 out of 10, or 97%, is used by the media to mean “almost all” and is a tool for sales and persuasion, this is why some studies have been given more publicity than others. There has been numerous media claims that 97% of scientists agree “that man is responsible for global warming” and that “the science is settled” but on closer investigation we see that this is a biased opinion and a sales pitch.
The 97% claim originated from the 1993 “World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity”(40) and is quoted by the media as being a warning about CO2. However, the study was warning about ozone depletion, freshwater resources, reconstructed marine catch, dead zones, deforestation, vertebrate species extinctions and human population levels, CO2 was only mentioned as an adjunct to the main thrust of the study.
Again in 2008, the media repeated the 97% claim. However, on examination, this study hand-picked 77 replies from a planned 10,257 scientists and of the 77 hand-picked replies 75 agreed that man-made CO2 was to blame fo global warming. 75 out of 77 is 97% and these 75 scientists have been published in the media as representing a global consensus and allowed to decide the future of mankind.
Again in 2013, for the third time, the media repeated the same 97% headlines but this time relating to the 2013 study by Cook. This study used a system where authors of papers “self-rated the abstracts” from their papers allowing for a conclusion that “Among self-rated papers expressing a position on AGW, 97.2% endorsed the consensus”. Not only is it unscientific to allow authors to rate themselves but after re-examination of the data it was found that only 64 of the 11,944 science studies came to the conclusion that man was responsible for global warming.
These misleading headlines are repeated many times, over a long period of time by the media, to make them seem more believable. This travesty and false science promoted by some individuals is documented in a book called “A Disgrace to the profession” by Mark Steyn.
The media driven manipulation of the information is further highlighted when considering the unreported fact that a far larger consensus of 31,479 signers, of which 9,029 hold PhDs say they wholeheartedly disagree with the idea that man is responsible for global warming through CO2 emissions, and they back the study by Robinson et al.(49). This study shows man will not change the temperature of the earth and concludes “we are living in an increasingly lush environment of plants and animals as a result of this CO2 increase. Our children will therefore enjoy an Earth with far more plant and animal life than that with which we now are blessed”.
Furthermore, the claim that “97% of Scientists Agree on Anthropogenic Global Warming” was highlighted as being inflated by the Competitive Enterprise Institute when it wrote to NASA requesting a correction of the claim on the NASA website under the Information Quality Act (IQA), 114 Stat. 2763, section 515, as implemented through National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidelines, a copy of the reasons for that request can be found here and gives a full breakdown of why the 2004 Oreskes study, the 2009 Doran study, the 2010 Anderegg study and the 2013 and 2016 Cook studies do not support those claims.
The media has also claimed that CO2 is responsible for acidification of the oceans, but this is misleading too. In a 2005 study by Raven shows that it is impossible for the oceans to change their pH and become acidified because they are buffered by an abundant supply of calcium carbonate in the sediment. The study says “The carbonate buffer acts to stabilise the average pH of seawater at approximately pH = 8 because of the following two processes: (i) uptake of CO2 from the atmosphere and (ii) interaction of seawater with oceanic sediments composed of CaCO3."
Therefore, considering the abundance of CaCO3 in the sediments of the deep oceans cannot change in timescales of less than 10 000 years(41), only small changes near to the surface can occur but these small changes are mixed by upwelling from the depths. Therefore, the pH of the ocean is still 8.1.
We are also told by the media that the sea level is rising but this is not true either. The sea level is calculated using measurements obtained from ground stations that are on land that is sinking, and satellites that are in degrading orbits and therefore erroneously showing the sea is rising when in reality this is not the case. The latest European satellite called “Envisat” is able to measure the sea level to millimetre accuracy and is able to detect the rise and fall of 4 millimetres between summer and winter as the oceans warm and cool. Envisat shows that there is no rise in sea level and this is explained by NASA scientists in a video titled “25 NASA Scientists Question the Sanity of the Global Warmists”. Their website can be accessed from and a synopsis of their findings can be found here.
The Polar ice cap melt problem does not exist in the way the media would like us to believe.
When considering the Arctic, a 2018 study found that heat from under Greenland within the Earth’s interior drives the melting of the ice cap and should be considered in the future when calculating ice growth (57).
The polar bear decline in population scare is negated by Dr Susan Crockford, a respected zoologist, when she explains in her video how this scare was not based on fact. Her understanding is further supported by science studies that have documented polar bear populations thriving and increasing in areas of sea ice loss(50).
When considering the Antarctic, there are many studies reporting an ice loss like the one recently published by Eric Rignot, however, it used an average of “drainage inventory, ice thickness, and ice velocity data to calculate the grounding line ice discharge” over a short time period of only 40 years(62).
A NASA 2013 study used “changes in the surface height of the Antarctic ice sheet measured by radar altimeters on two European Space Agency European Remote Sensing (ERS) satellites, spanning from 1992 to 2001, and by the laser altimeter on NASA’s Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) from 2003 to 2008”. These satellites recorded that the “Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001” and a net gain of 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008. The study also said, “the good news is that Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise but is taking 0.23 millimetres per year away”(48). The NASA study highlights "the difficulties of measuring the small changes in ice height happening in East Antarctica" and explains that “doing altimetry accurately for very large areas is extraordinarily difficult, and there are measurements of snow accumulation that need to be done independently to understand what’s happening in these places”. It explains that “the extra snowfall that began 10,000 years ago has been slowly accumulating on the ice sheet and compacting into solid ice over millennia, thickening the ice in East Antarctica and the interior of West Antarctica by an average of 0.7 inches (1.7 centimeters) per year. NASA say that this small thickening, sustained over thousands of years and spread over the vast expanse of these sectors of Antarctica, corresponds to a very large gain of ice – enough to outweigh the losses from fast-flowing glaciers in other parts of the continent and reduce global sea level rise”(48). The study explains the large time scales that ice growth and glaciation changes take and also explains the limitations of any study that doesn’t consider snow fall.
A 2017 NASA article quotes a study by Seroussi et al. (2017) which explains underground volcanic plumes are heating the ice in Antarctica through cracks in the Earth crust and causing the outflow of water through the ice stream(69).
Furthermore, a 2019 study confirmed a negative greenhouse effect occurs over the Antarctic because water vapour facilitates the loss of heat into space. The study explains that “before the satellite age in the 1960’s, Earth’s greenhouse effect (GHE) had not been directly measured”. The study explains that the discovery of the negative feedback loop was unexpected but it provides evidence to confirm CO2 is not involved and this feedback loop is controlled by water vapour and is functioning to the Earth’s deficit for 9 months of the year. The study cites support for the new discovery in 2 other science studies, one by Loeb et al. (2009) and another by Kato et al. (2013) that both measured the “top of the atmosphere” temperatures(72).
It has been claimed that the last few years have been the hottest on record by climate alarmists but NASA reported recently (6th June 2019) that pictures from satellites show a growth in the Greenland ice over the last 3 years(60).
This understanding of the ice sheets completely negates the idea that global warming is causing the ice to melt because we have proof that underground thermal hotspots are responsible for the flow of ice in both the Arctic and Antarctic, and the amount of new snow falling is similar every year, while the ice also provides a negative greenhouse effect from the water vapour feedback loop.
The wrong understanding of CO2 levels has been taught to us by the media promoted information. We have been led to believe that high CO2 levels are somehow dangerous to us and the planet, this has led people to confuse carbon dioxide with poisonous carbon monoxide in their minds.
Humans are often exposed to CO2 levels in enclosed spaces like meeting rooms, submarines (advised limit 8,000 ppm) and the space station (advised limit 5,000 ppm), without any ill effects.
A 2018 study published in Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance found no decision making difficulties at CO2 levels up to 15,000 ppm(64).
The reality is that the planet was at its most healthy when CO2 levels were at least 20 times higher (7,000 ppm) than the current levels today (400 ppm)(8). Plants use CO2 for their health, and plant growth responds dramatically when levels are increased. Higher CO2 levels produce higher yielding and better-quality crops and thereby encourages a better general health of our planet. CBS news reported that humans contributed 38.2 Gigatons of CO2 last year(46). However, plants fix CO2 from the air and the more CO2 present in the air, the more plants will fix using photosynthesis. At CO2 levels of 350 ppm plants will fix 51 Gigatons and if levels rise to 650 ppm, then plants will fix 64.3 Gigatons per year. This increase of 13.3 Gigatons of CO2 fixed by plants is overlooked by climate scientists.
We should think of our CO2 emissions as more food for animals to thrive on(9). If CO2 levels dropped too low (<150 ppm) we would be approaching a total world extinction event. CO2 is not our enemy and this is why CO2 generating equipment is used in commercial greenhouses(10).
We are also told in the media that CO2 has increased by 50% but this is misleading too, because in reality CO2 has risen from 0.032% in 1960s to 0.042% now. Obviously this small rise of 0.01% over 60 years would make very little difference.
NOAA say that CO2 levels are rising by an average of 2.5 ppm each year, that is only 0.0025% per year but this may be as a result of changes in CO2 use by trees through deforestation and not because of additional CO2 from industrialisation. I can only imagine that the “50% rise in CO2” quote is designed by the media to evoke an emotional response in its readers.
Radiative forcing is measured in watt per square metre (W/m2) and a 1998 study estimated the radiative forcing of CO2 as 1.8 W/m2(44) but a study of contrail induced cirrus cloud, colloquially known as chemtrails, has proven the clouds made by the exhaust of planes have a warming effect of 10 W/m2 during daylight hours and 30 W/m2 during night time(45). Therefore, the clouds left by planes have a far greater effect on the warming of the planet than CO2.
The role of clouds in global warming was again highlighted in a 2019 study that confirms this part of the equation is completely omitted by the IPCC. This study goes on to conclude that low cloud is the main controlling factor for global temperature and claims a direct correlation between the amount of clouds and temperature variations(61).
Many studies take the view of Florides by saying “based on laws of physics, forecasting a maximum temperature-increase of 0.01– 0.03°C for a value doubling the present concentration of atmospheric CO2” And goes on to explain that “data from palaeoclimatology show that the CO2 content in the atmosphere is at a minimum in this geological aeon”(51).
Atmospheric CO2 is linked to global temperature(111) but it is very easy to apply logic to this relationship to know for sure that CO2 does not drive global temperature. It is in fact temperature that drives the release of CO2 from the ocean because a warmer ocean cannot hold as much dissolved CO2 (109). This relationship can easily be proven when we consider the changing CO2 levels through history. CO2 is not a constant in the atmosphere and changes concentration in regular cycles. Day-time has less CO2 than night-time and summer has less CO2 than winter because plants use CO2 at a faster rate for photosynthesis during the day-time and summer-time. This is explained by Beck in his 2007 study(108). Beck also explains that CO2 levels rise during warm periods and notes that in the 1820s the CO2 level was approximately 540 ppm and during August 1940 a level of 550 ppm is recorded. Beck explains that “historical measurements indicating fluctuating CO2 levels between 300 and more than 400 ppm have been neglected”. He continues by explaining that many thousands of investigations into CO2 levels for the time period between 1812 and 1961 have been made and we should consider “the historical data” as being “reliable in themselves” because they are “supported by the credible seasonal, monthly and daily variations that they display, the pattern of which corresponds with modern measurements” (108). This is proof that the atmospheric CO2 levels are not being considered by many climate scientists correctly.
As an example of this, Hansen et al. (2008)(110) makes the same mistake as all of the climate alarmists in that he claims the drop in atmospheric CO2 50 million years ago was the driver for that glaciation period. However, the only support given for this claim is that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and it causes feedback loops that drive temperature change. If this were the case, why did we not have a runaway global warming event 550 million years ago when CO2 levels were around 7,000 ppm? Why did the glaciation period of 450 million years ago occur when CO2 levels were approximately 4,500 ppm? Why did the Earth warm after the glaciation period of 300 million years ago when CO2 levels were only 300 ppm? Why did the glaciation period 150 million years ago occur when CO2 levels were approximately 2,500 ppm and why did the Earth warm after the glaciation period of 50 million years ago when CO2 levels were low? None of these questions can be answered just by considering CO2 as being a greenhouse gas. If CO2 levels were the driver for temperature then why does the Earth cool when CO2 is high and why does the Earth warm when CO2 is low? These simple observations and the application of logic prove that even though CO2 is a weak greenhouse gas it does not drive temperature but temperature is in fact the driver for CO2 release from the ocean into the atmosphere(109).
Further proof that CO2 does not drive global temperature change can be found in the fact that CO2 levels lag behind temperature changes(112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117) and so CO2 can never be responsible for driving global temperature changes. NASAs Goddard Media Studios are responsible for releasing information about climate and their response to this question through Peter Hildebrand was to say - yes we know CO2 lags temperature but this only happened throughout the whole history of the planet, now however, as a result of industrialisation this doesn’t happen anymore because we have caused a fundamental change to how the Earth works but no science papers are offered in support for this assertion. This is a strange claim for a scientist to make because man cannot change any of the laws of nature or properties of elements or compounds and as previously shown, CO2 has never been the driver for changing global temperature by triggering warming or cooling.
A NOAA study (June 2014) suggests that global warming is still going on but only because they massaged their data set too(3). NOAA are claiming that their data needed to be corrected in light of the fact that the "Ships collecting temperature data did so first by gathering water either in wooden buckets, in canvas buckets, by thermometers positioned near engine intake valves, and later buoys - resulting in temperature measurements that varied slightly by collection method and requiring correction"(6).
This is obviously a flawed approach to understanding and working with the figures collected because the problem NOAA have highlighted in the methodology would have actually resulted in the recorded temperatures being higher than reality and not lower as they are suggesting.
Obviously, NOAA has corrected the figures in the wrong direction, multiplying the mistake instead of rectifying it. Temperature figures subjected to arbitrary corrections by the statisticians can never be trusted as showing reality in any way(6).
Furthermore, the disgraceful changing of data was highlighted by Senator Roberts during a presentation with Tony Heller and Tim Ball to the Australian government in which it was explained that the national meteorological agencies, the IPCC and the UN all use this corrupted data as the basis for their recommendations for worldwide governmental policy making. The data was changed by NASA so that the 1930s warm period was lowered and the data from 1980s was raised to give the impression that global warming has been happening in a regular fashion over a long period of time. This data manipulation was also highlighted by the Japanese expert is Dr Mototaka Nakamura who explains the new datasets are products of climate models and are not based on real facts.
Mistakes within the climate model architecture changed the results obtained from the models completely. The heat trapped by the increasing levels of CO2 just reroutes via water vapour into space. This whole category of feedback was omitted, which greatly exaggerated the climate model sensitivity to CO2. This one miscalculated fact was enough to skew the results so they supported the misunderstanding of CO2 being the driver of climate change(1).
The big scare of CO2 being responsible for global warming was due to a simple modelling error. Dr David Evans is a very well qualified climate scientist with many years’ experience. He checked the architecture of the current climate models and discovered that while the underlying physics was correct, the climate scientists applied it incorrectly and that “two serious architectural errors were discovered in the basic climate model”(1).
These 2 errors were then fixed by Dr Evans and the original model was run again and future warming due to carbon dioxide was found to be only 10% or 20% of the previous estimates. The conventional climate models had been set up to work in a way that amplified the surface warming effect of CO2(2).
The actual recorded temperatures agreed with the new results from the model fixed by Dr Evans. Therefore, allowing us to be sure that the new model architecture is correct. This new model proves there is no global warming due to CO2(2).
Confirmation that the climate models used by the IPCC were faulty also came from a 2018 study by Lewis and Curry. It used the latest data and found that the majority of climate models previously used, gave higher results than the new version. It was concluded that previous IPCC estimates for future global temperature if CO2 doubled were far higher than should be and any warming that occurred would happen over time periods of hundreds of years(118).
The IPCC are using these amplified results from the faulty climate models and the NOAA faulty study to scare people into accepting their political control. They cite the melting of the ice caps as further proof of climate change, but the truth is that we have no idea of the ice thickness before the first satellite took measurements in 1973. They had to rely on information gained from Russian explorers after they returned from summer trips. No one entered the ice during the winter months. No data exists for the winter months in any way before 1973(6).
An evaluation of the IPCC report by Hertzberg (2016) identifies “nothing in the data” that “supports the supposition that atmospheric CO2 is a driver of weather or climate, or that human emissions control atmospheric CO2”. The study points out that the “medieval warm period”, acknowledged on page 202 of the 1990 first report by the IPCC, peaked around 1200 AD and had no greenhouse gas contribution from industrialisation. The study also noted that the changes in global temperatures cycled through a time period of approximately 100,000 years and correlated with the “eccentricity of the Earth’s elliptical orbit about the sun” and confirms a recent increase in solar activity by cosmic ray intensification. Hertzberg also identifies a lack of reliable data and how it is difficult to access when it is published. Hertzberg explains how authors’ interpretations of this data have appeared “primitive” and “cherry-picked” to conform to the IPCC's “party line” about the dangers of “greenhouse gases”(19).
A 2016 study also found no evidence of global warming during the last 150 years whilst studying chironomid remains in the sediments of Lake JR01 on the Boothia Peninsula in the Central Canadian Arctic(20).
Furthermore, a 2019 study found that the IPCC used a very large sensitivity to CO2 in order to compensate for the lack of natural radiative forcing, and the IPCC compounded this error by completely omitting the negative feedback from clouds which resulted in a further magnification of this sensitivity(61).
Identification of CO2 as the driver for climate change/global warming has been the product of powerful corporations with aims of controlling the world through domination of finance and food production.
The control of world industry and food production can best be accomplished by the control and restriction of CO2(5).
It is the will of big business, bankers and corporations to corrupt the global temperature data to initiate the control of CO2 emissions for the purpose of raising revenue by licensing.
The "World Conservation Bank" was set up in 1987 for the purpose of controlling CO2 emission taxes(5). This was formalised at the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen with the imposition of an international tax of 2% on all financial transactions. This tax would be controlled by the UN and returned to the World Conservation Bank. The IMF and Wolrd Conservation Bank are interconnected and support for their financial agenda comes from all angles(7).
There are scientists and corporations entering into an unholy alliance that enables big businesses to have the ability to influence opinion-makers on the extreme right of the U.S. political spectrum. Recently we have seen the effect of this influence in health and environmental sciences.
The purpose of this alliance has been to deny established scientific knowledge and is known as “tobacco science” because of its advice given in bad faith. "Merchants of Doubt" is a serious book written to expose a group of scientists who fought the scientific evidence to purposefully spread confusion on many of the most important issues of our time.
Unfortunately, we cannot trust scientists to explain scientific findings with honesty. We must look directly at the scientific facts and check these against the politically influenced rhetoric we are given(4). We must be aware that data anomalies have been documented showing the altering of data to suit the IPCC narrative(38).
The media driven hoax has been bravely reported by great climate scientists and researchers who still have their personal integrity intact.
Dr Don Easterbrook, when he made his presentation to the Washington State Senate Committee on Climate Change(11).
Dr Patrick Moore, when he made his presentation to the US Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee, in which he also exposes the real agenda of Greenpeace(12).
Ivar Giaever gave a speech at the Nobel Laureates meeting 1st July 2015 where he explains that the global temperature has been amazingly stable since 1880 and has only increased 0.3% during the last 135 years(13).
John Casey, the US leading expert in climate change, also made a presentation of his findings to expose the global warming scandal in which he presents real facts in a real way that makes perfect sense. Particularly when he outlines the political and financial pressures brought down on anyone who tries to tell the truth(14).
John Coleman makes numerous presentations of the fact that global warming is a hoax. He brings 60 years’ experience of weather prediction as a meteorologist that supports the integrity of the facts he presents(15).
Senator James M. Inhofe’s speech at the 2003 Senate commission on “The Science of Climate Change” refers to Dr. Frederick Seitz, a past president of the National Academy of Sciences, and a professor emeritus at Rockefeller University as claiming “There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth(47)”. Senator Inhofe also highlighted that in 1974 the National Science Board, the governing body of the National Science Foundation, stated: “During the last 20 to 30 years, world temperature has fallen, irregularly at first but more sharply over the last decade.” Two years earlier, the board had observed: “Judging from the record of the past interglacial ages, the present time of high temperatures should be drawing to an end...leading into the next glacial age”(47).
These people are the top scientists in the field of climate change and global warming. They are all presenting cold hard facts to support their understanding of the hoax and why it is happening. I think we should listen to what these top experts are saying.
Understanding the natural cycles effect over our climate is made easier if the cycles are divided into 2 groups, the “long-cycle” and the “short cycle” groups.
The long-cycles that affect the Earth create long slow changes that would not be noticed in at least 3 or 4 life-times, and so would never be apparent or make a difference in anyone’s life, these include:-
516-year-cycle discovered by examining the ocean sediment.
1,547-year Dansgaard-Oeschger climate cycle.
4,640-year Bond climate cycle.
~125-thousand-year climate cycle.
~30-million-year extinction cycle and
~822-million-year cycle in crustal formation(75).
These cycles are explained in 2 articles by Stephen J. Puetz(75, 76,) and a book by Borchardt and Puetz and are called the Extra-Universal Wave Series (EUWS). It is explained that the EUWS influence the Universe in general as well as the Earth. They correlate with many Earth bound events like volcanic activity, Earth’s magnetic field, global climate, evolution and can also be seen to influence “mass human behaviour” like the rise and fall of dominant civilisations, commodity prices, financial panics and they also influence extra-terrestrial events like star formations.
Milutin Milanković discovered orbital variations that became known as the ~100,000-year Milanković Cycles. The changes to climate these variations bring can be seen in this video. The evidence for the Milanković cycles as the driver of ice ages throughout the history of the earth is substantial and confirmed by many science studies from various disciplines of science (21;22;23;24;25;26;27;28;29;30;31;32;33;34;35;36;37).
Da et al. (2019) found the glacial cycle had changed 1 million years ago from a ~41,000 year cycle that corresponded with the Earth's axial tilt with respect to the orbital plane (the obliquity of the ecliptic), to the present ~100,000 year cycle that corresponds to the Earth’s orbital eccentricity. Da et al. (2019) went on to say that there had been no significant difference in CO2 levels over the last 3 million years suggesting that CO2 was not the driver for climate changes(58).
Earth’s orbital eccentricity was again confirmed as the driver for glaciation in a study published by NASA in 2006 where it was said that the Earth had been subjected to around 100 glaciations in the last 2.5 million years(59). It is thought that we are coming to the end of the warm period of this present cycle and the temperature of the Earth is set to rise by a maximum of 1.5 degrees before it goes into the next cold period.
The warming between the ice age cycle is confirmed by Oxford University when they studied the American mastodons, giant ground sloths, American camels, and giant beavers that made the migration south roughly 75,000 years ago from their warm “holiday homes” in the Arctic and Subarctic (39).
Some may say that natural cycles cannot be responsible for modern climate changes because those cycles represent a time frame that is too long, but they are mistaken because they are only considering the long cycles.
The short-cycles that affect the Earth provide much faster changes in our climate that can be seen in much shorter time frames:-
11-year Schwabe solar cycle is a result of the Sun’s regular magnetic pole reversal. This influences many factors within our climate that translates into vast changes in living conditions for humans. Among these changes are the Pacific Climate System(93), the amplification of surface temperature from ozone variation cycles(94), cloud cover(95), winter variability in the Northern hemisphere(96). Also, it has been found to modulate the Artic oscillation and the East Asian winter(97), the height of the thermosphere(98) and it creates a warming of the troposphere because “over each 11-year solar cycle the total energy output of the Sun varies by about 0.1% and its ultraviolet radiation fluctuates by 6 – 8%, with higher irradiance values during solar maxima than during solar minima”(99).
22-year solar magnetic cycle’s influence over global ocean temperature is confirmed in studies showing a link to the sea ice around Iceland(85,), variations in sea surface temperature(92), global and hemispheric marine temperatures(88,) and the thermal inertia of the ocean(86,). It also influences the magnetic field of the Earth(86,), the energy content of the solar wind(86,) and the Galactic Cosmic Rays that drive global temperature(87,). The cycle can be seen in the variation of heat in the troposphere(89,), it controls drought rhythm(92) and the droughts of the Western United States(90,). It was confirmed to drive decadal climate parameters such as ground surface temperatures(86, 92), cloud formation(86,), precipitation periodicity, plus many other climate criteria(92). Also it has been more active in the past few decades than at any other time during the previous 10,000 years(89,), and its influence over climate has been particularly evident in the climate records since the 1940s(91).
35-year Bruckner solar cycle’s influence is confirmed to affect the health of humans by modulating heart rate, mental functions and incidence of infectious diseases as well as climate features like cold winters and grape crops(100). It influences rainfall(100, 102, 105, 106), the Yellow River streamflow(104), global air surface temperatures, solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field(102) .
88-year Gleissberg solar cycle is a modulation of the 11-year solar cycle and is directly linked to sunspot activity. It is present in records that extend back ~11,854-years and forces climate through solar dynamo variations(77,). The 88-year cycle is an excellent fit for historic climate data sets(79,) and was found to be robustly supported before the 1645 to 1715 “Maunder Minimum” but after this time, the effect was broadened and found to vary between 60 and 120 year time periods, therefore, it has been suggested that a better term for it would now be the “Gleissberg variation” (80,).
The Gleissberg cycle forced the Earth’s climate response to the 1810-1830 and 1900-1920 minima when it influenced the heat transfer to deep ocean causing a time lag longer than a decade. It resulted in volcanic forcing and severe weather extremes that led to especially cold conditions in U.S., Canada and Western Europe(83,). Further evidence for this cycle was found from sediment build up in the Loch Ness core samples(78,), the core samples from near Vancouver Island(82,) and the tree rings from the Barents Sea region of Eurasia(81,). It was found to effect the climate parameters of the North Atlantic because the Sun’s irradiance excites the internal mode of the Earth’s ocean/atmosphere system(81,).
It has been noted that, compared to the last 8000 years, there has been an exceptional level of solar activity in the twentieth century(80,) and abrupt climate changes are linked to solar and cosmic radiation, specifically, the strong cooling in the North East Pacific 3,550 years ago that correlated to a weakening sunspot activity that coincided with the Gleissberg cycle(82,). The resent hiatus at the beginning of the 21st century also shows a low frequency of 11-year sunspot activity that was amplified by the Gleissberg cycle and it is said that this hiatus was expected after considering that the IPCC data showed a warming of 0.85oC between the years 1880 and 2012(83,). It is suggested that the modern climate warming could be partially explained by this cycle and that a cooling should be predicted for the next 200 years(79,), while another study explained that this synchronisation of cycles is similar to the present day variations in climate(82,).
~200-year solar De Vries Cycle’s influence over global temperature has been identified in ice core samples dating from 50 thousand years ago and proven to originate from the Sun’s influence because the cycles are modulated by the Earth’s magnetic field(53) and the presence of this cycle has been confirmed in a reconstruction of sunspot observations (119).
The flow of heat from the atmosphere to the North Atlantic Deep Water was found to be influenced by this cycle(55) and a 2004 study found that the Alaskan temperature and ice expansion oscillated through ~200-year time periods(68). It was suggested that the growth of the ice corresponded with solar minima that were amplified when experienced simultaneously with the negative phases of the Pacific decadal oscillation and the Arctic oscillation (68).
A 2007 study found evidence that the influence of the ~200-year cycle could be regional after analysis of paleoclimatic data from Central Asia and the North Atlantic because the atmosphere-ocean system had a nonlinear response to solar forcing(66,). However, a 2012 reconstruction of climate data from the Central Asia mountains detected climate-linked processes in Asia, Europe, North and South America, Australia, and the Arctic and Antarctica that point to a pronounced influence of solar activity on global climatic processes54,. Furthermore, a 2014 examination of paleoclimatic data using various data sets determined a temperature correlation with a ~200-year cycle during the late Holocene period that was global in nature(67).
Additionally, a 2005 study examined 1,200-year-old tree rings of the Juniperus turkestanica tree from Tien Shan mountains in Central Asia to discover that the climate had oscillated through ~200-year cycles and this correlated with the solar activities and temperature variations of the northern hemisphere(64) and a 2015 study analysed the extensive tree ring data sets of the northern and southern hemispheres from the past 2,500 years to show a dominance of the ~200 year cycle and a suggestion was made that understanding these cycles could lead to close approximations of near future climate conditions(65).
Furthermore, Professor Carl-Otto Weiss, the Advisor to the European Institute for Climate and Energy and former President of the German Meteorological Institute used his expertise in Spectral Analysis to examine the historic climate data and identified solar cycles of 88, 130, 150, 208, and 350 year periods and Earth cycles of 34, 47, 61, 80 and 248 year periods as drivers for global temperature change(56). When he added the power density of those cycles together, they correlated exactly with the global temperature records for the past 450 years and made a prediction of colder weather to come for the near future. He concludes in his video that can be found here, that climate change is periodic and the modern warming period is mainly due to the ~200-year solar De Vries Cycle. This understanding is further explained in the 2016 study by Lüdecke and Weiss(107).
It can be seen from this information that the Earth will conform to the driving forces of these natural cycles unpassionately and man cannot influence the outcome in any way, shape or form.
It is impossible for the warming of the air to heat the oceans or the Earth. Carbon Dioxide can’t cause global warming in this way, this is explained by industrial chemistry expert Dr Mark Imisides. He explains how heat is transferred between air and water and how much heat is needed to raise the temperature of the ocean(16). We all know this to be true from our own experiences of life, you cannot heat a bath of water by putting an electric fire in the bathroom to warm the air.
After considering the information in this article we can be sure that CO2 is a weak greenhouse gas and man emits it whilst burning oil based products, making fires and breathing. We can also be sure that Human contribution of CO2 is a very small amount within the grand scheme of things and not the controller of global temperature or climate and not responsible for any extinction events, world calamities or any of the bad things done in the name of progress.
It was shown that an unhealthy influence exists from the mainstream media over peoples understanding of the Global Warming problem and it was shown that the ideas being promoted in the media and many corporations and controlling bodies are misleading or false. The media has been found to portray half-truths at the best of times and seem to say what is in fashion, presumably, in order to sell copies.
Presently, the Polar ice melt is measured by observing the flow of water in the rivers but it has been shown that this ice melt is mainly caused by an uprising of heat from the Earth’s mantle. Furthermore, it was shown that the ice caps are controlled by the long slow changes connected to the natural cycles and the orbit of the Earth around the Sun and should, therefore, not be measured in time scales of less than 10,000-years.
It was explained that the oceans will not become acidic from higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere because they are buffered by an abundant amount of calcium carbonate in the sediment. It was also shown that plants grow bigger and healthier when CO2 levels are around 1200 ppm and that these levels are not dangerous to human health.
It was shown that mistakes and alterations in data sets were made and errors in climate models were also discovered. These mistakes gave rise to faulty feedback loops which multiplied the weak greenhouse effect of CO2. It was also noted that much of the necessary information, as in the natural Solar and Earth cycles, the effect of modern aviation, the negative feedback affect from CO2 over Antarctica were all not considered by the climate models rendering them useless for purpose.
We can be sure that the effect of a 0.009% increase in CO2 has been exaggerated by inaccurate models that rely on unsubstantiated feedback loops because it was reported in a 2013 study that no Global Warming has occurred since the turn of the century and we are presently in a period called the “Global Warming Hiatus”(73). A 2016 study claimed that the heat was being redistributed within the earth’s systems and the temperature of the earth would be more reliable if taken from the bottom of the ocean(74). In the meantime, CO2 has been constantly rising and the surface temperature of the Earth has not. All we can be sure of is, not every aspect of the Earth’s energy budget is understood, and we are in no place to predict what it will do in the future.
It was shown that CO2 does not drive temperature change but in fact CO2 levels lag behind any changes in Global temperature. It was shown that historical temperature changes have not correlated with CO2 changes and often temperature goes up when low concentrations of CO2 are present, and temperature goes down when high levels of CO2 are present.
Insurmountable evidence supporting the understanding that the orbital relationship between the Earth and the Sun drives the long slow changes that result in the ice ages and the shorter Solar and Earth cycles drive the smaller temperature fluctuations in between. This causation has been proven many times by modern science and is therefore considered as sound evidence to show that natural cycles are responsible for all Global temperature changes including the changes we are experiencing in modern times.
We must only rely on science that is based on facts and data. We must not decide future global governmental policies on faulty models, consensus or sensationalised media articles. It was shown that the real weight of science and scientists are behind the understanding that climate change and global warming is cyclic, and man has no influence over it.
We should understand the climate change hoax for what it really is and make sure the perpetrators of this scam do not get their way. Restricting the release of CO2 will only succeed in killing the planet and taxing its people.
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